QUEEN BEE GARDEN Home Grown Herbs and Vegetables

Queen Bee Garden

We have a small balcony garden on the 5th floor and now have over 1000 plants (and weeds, can’t always tell the difference) growing there so far with the aim of making the kitchen self sufficient for Morning Glory and Basil to start with and then see what we can do from there.

Also check out our gardeners group on FaceBook

Thailand Gardeners and beyond group

Garden sunny shelf

Basil for Chef

IMG_7595The Mushrooms were good for a while but need to be replaced now

IMG_7939 IMG_7931 IMG_4341Problems with mice and birds forced us to employ inventive use of bottle and CD recycling. Lost lots of plants including a chilli plant, completely stripped of chillies and leaves overnight then did not recover.

IMG_8392 We don’t grow flowers as such but sometimes the plants just go for it and produce a surprise

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This is a Basil plant grown from a cutting. I have a very low germination rate from seeds and put it down to having 30 baht glasses. If I could read the sell by date and storage instructions I would realise that cheap seeds bought in a market are not stored at 18 degrees and are most likely very old.


I started with just one of these and now have many so will consider forming a gardening meetup group to give away/share plants. Anyone interested?IMG_8460


If you are interested in Gardening then please have a look at my FaceBook group

Thailand Gardeners and beyond group

2 Responses to QUEEN BEE GARDEN Home Grown Herbs and Vegetables

  1. ian steele says:

    live in Bangkok, pattanakarn road. am interested in getting seedlings for apartment. can you help?. thanks

    • jaybzadmin says:

      Hi Ian, sorry, saw your message months ago then couldn’t find it. Are you still looking for seedlings? John

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